Saturday, December 1, 2012

Bilbo Baggins

Several persons have dedicated works to Bilbo Baggins.  This particular poem does a measure of justice though such a popular character will certainly inspire a number of views.  As far as hobbits are concerned it is clear that Bilbo is by far the most popular though certianly his nephew and heir Frodo deserves a great deal of credit.  I hope you enjoy the poem.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Pure Country

What happens when you get two guys who try to disappear?  The answer: "Pure Country".  The title reflects the irony of the word "pure" and the nature of the main characters.  The story is told from the perspective of one of these isolationists who in the end is unable to come to grips with being among people even when he is finally forced to, at the hands of the law.  Convicted of a crime he did not commit, he recounts the events that brought him to his current state.  The reader cannot help but wonder what goes on in his mind and feel at once pity and derision for this individual.

Monday, October 1, 2012

The Night Charlie Passed

Bizzaro at its best, "The Night Charlie Passed" is truly odd.  I can't tell you what it's about because I don't know what it's about.  I know there is Charlie, and I know that he has problems.  There is also a car and purple and a lot of stuff that in the end I just don't get.  All that said, it is still fun to read and leaves you with more questions than answers which is sometimes a good way to feel.  It does, if nothing else, make you ask what if.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Greg Cum Ira

"Greg Cum Ira" is an odd story, really no other way to describe it about a man who is about to conquer the world.  Those of you who are into conspiracy theories will possibly get a kick out of it.  Unfortunately for Greg he has not counted on one thing - the power of snack cravings.  What happens when this recluse is overcome with the munchies?  Can he safely venture into the world?  Of course he can, after all he is the mastermind behind world domination.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Of Crucibles and Creatures

"Of Crucibles and Creatures" is a story that tells of a little dungeon adventure.  There is no point spoiling the entire plot, but suffice it to say that the adventure is interesting and enjoyable in its own right and it is not spoiled with pointless morality, inane sex or gratuitous violence.  It is a straight forward adventure in a dungeon with a surprisingly gripping climax that engages the reader and satisfies curiosity.  If you enjoy fantasy stories then you will enjoy "Of Crucibles and Creatures."  If not, then move along please because this is obviously not for you.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

The Keep of the Black Crag

"The Keep of the Black Crag" is another Kyven story, done with equal quality.  This is a fantasy story set in a a fantasy world where magic is mysterious and powerful but which is carefully guarded.  Kyven is a young apprentice learning things that he never intended to learn and fighting battles that he has no desire or skill to fight.  He is merely following the orders of his master, the only person to show him affection or to give him food.

Friday, June 1, 2012


"Harperston" is actually the climax of Kyven's chronicles when he finally meets the emperor and has to face him.  In this little journey he is bearing a message for the emperor of which he does not know the contents.  The message will change his fate though he has no idea at the beginning.  It is his first time in the great capitol of Harperston and he is completely unsuspecting of the fate awaiting him.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

A Six Day Journey

"A Six Day Journey" is a story that talks about a kid who is starving and has to leave the farm in order to survive.  He ends up hooking up with an equally starving army that is heading into a desperate battle against an overwhelming enemy.  If you are looking for the boy-turned-hero tale, then you might as well forget it.  Kyven is not able to single-handedly overcome the enemy nor does he suddenly become a great master at arms or anything else.  He is just a kid who survives.  A heart touching, gritty story.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Waiting for Havarfast

"Waiting for Havarfast" is a twist on the escape from prison genre set in a fantasy setting.  In this case the prisoner began plotting his revenge from the moment that he knew he would be captured.  After years of planning he has managed to escape and set into motion the schemes that will ultimately allow him to exact his revenge on his captor.  But is Havarfast smart enough to read his enemy's mind?  In the end will the trap work?

Thursday, March 1, 2012

A Troll for a Bridge

"A Troll for a Bridge" is a new take on the old troll under the bridge tale that many of us have learned or heard over the years.  Trolls are, of course, nothing new in fantasy stories and they have been re-imaginged in different ways many, many times.  In this case the troll under the bridge is neither nice nor horrible though certainly he remains a dangerous character.  In this humorous twist, the troll is faced with a dilemma he is not able to immediately solve and which requires effort on his part.  Told from the perspective of the troll, it is an entertaining read.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Treasure of Priamos Island

"The Treasure of Priamos Island" is a story of greed and love set in a fantasy world of msytery and possibility.  A young man seeks a treasure so that he might be joined forever with his love, but in the end he loses more than he gains.  This story recounts the ancient moral lessons of greed with a slightly new twist and an interesting adventure thrown in for good measure.  If you enjoy fantasy stories then you should enjoy the few moments spent on Priamos Island.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Speaker's Child

"Speaker's Child" recounts the chilling story of a cult whose mission is to find all of the gifted children and recruit them for nefarious purposes.  What happens when a midwife decides not to go along with their schemes?  How far is she willing to go?  What is she willing to do?  Overall the story is pretty good with a reasonably straight forward though certainly heart touching storyline that will entertain.